Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Homemade Frame:)

My boyfriend asked me to put a picture in his frame for him, but I did a whole lot more! Want to know how to make it?
First, I picked the picture of course, and then printed out a mint zig zag pattern I found online (typed in mint zig zags). Next, I cut out some printed paper with fancy writing on it to put on the inside of the frame part (or inside half of frame -depending on style of fame). I then cut out a few mint zig zags (about five) to glue on over the frame (also over the fancy writing paper). Then, I found some rope and tied it into two bows, and glued it down on the lower left corner of the frame. Next, I found some decorative wire and bent it into spirals to glue to parts of the rope-bow. Now, I cut out a bird I printed out, and also glued a printed crown on the top of its head, and glued it down. Lastly, I glued down some paper flowers and assorted buttons in the upper right hand corner of the frame. I also glued some paper flowers by the rope-bow. Your done! Give yourself a pat on the back!
-The Elegant Crafter

Make Your Own Personal Binder/Planner

I made this, and came up with this idea all myself! If you want to make one like this, awesome, but don't forget to make it unique to you! There's so many ways to make a binder/planner like this one. Have fun with it, and add on or change some of your own ideas!
Things you may need:
1.scrap paper or cards
2. pens, pencils, markers
3. assortment of fancy construction paper (or color your own construction paper)
4. square mirror
5. notebook
6. buttons or other accessories
7. sticky notes
8.note pad
9. scrap gift bag
10. colorful paper
12. hot glue gun

First off, I cut off some cardboard from a cardboard box (two sides and the bottom of box) to hold everything together (binder part of planner/binder). I then picked some fancy construction paper that I had, to put on the back and front of the cardboard. I hot glued all construction paper down and let it dry. After the construction paper, I didn't do much for the rest of the outside of the binder. For the inside, I planned some things I would place inside, like a notebook, a pencil holder, a mirror, a small pocket, a notepad, sticky notes, and a little calendar. I first made the notebook to put in the middle of the binder/planner. I found an old notebook that I haven't used yet, that was fortunately sparkly, and designed it with more (but different) fancy construction paper, buttons, and an old flower pin (can be substituted). I cut part of the fancy construction paper and hot glued it to a little more than half of the notebook cover. I then glued down the old flower pin to the notebook, and also glued some scrap pink fish net (scrunched up) under the flower. I also glued an assortment of buttons beside the flower that matched the color palette that I planned for the binder/planner. Now that the notebook was finished, I glued the notebook to the middle of the planner/binder. Next, I made the pencil holder with an old card that I found by hot gluing the sides together, except for the one open part to put the pens and pencils in. I then glued that to the lower left part of the planner/binder. I then glued the mirror to the upper left part of the planner/binder. Then, I glued the notepad down in the lower left corner of the right part of the binder, and glued down the sticky notes into the upper left corner of the right part of the binder as well. Next, I glued down a square, colorful pieced of paper in the upper right hand corner of the binder and drew the monthly calendar on that. lastly, I made a spare pocket out of a scrap, coach gift bag I found. I cut my favorite part out of the gift bag, and then cut out two triangles (out of colorful paper) to connect to the two opposite sides of the square. I glued one part of the triangle to the square and glued the other part to the planner/binder to make an opening to create a pocket. Do the same with the other triangle for the other side of the square. Your done! Give yourself a pat on the back! Lovely!
-The Elegant Crafter

Candle lite Mason Jar - Cute Gift

Need a cute gift idea? I partly got this cute idea from pinterest! I saw a mason jar with a book page inside with a heart cut out in it. I acted on the idea by cutting out a heart in a book page, and then putting it inside the jar. I wanted a more original idea though, so I decided to add some things on the jar to "put my own signature on it." I found some purple-sparkly paint and put it on the outside of the jar. I let the paint dry and then put some rope around the top part of the jar and tied it into a bow. I also added some purple and white ribbon (tied both into a bow) around the jar. I also made a gift tag out of a brown paper lunch bag, and attached it to the white ribbon. On the tag I wrote a little love note, and super glued on some gems I had, and a green flower that I made. Also, I made a larger blue flower and super glued it under the bow end of the rope. Lastly, I placed a candle inside the jar (without a cap on the jar) and light it up to see how pretty the light flickered against the beautiful cut out heart. 
-The Elegant Crafter
If you would like to know how to make the flowers go to http://www.marrythis.com/inspired-ideas/roundup-the-best-paper-flower-tutorials/


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hanging Lights

I needed more light in my room, as well as something decorative to put over my new, little blue table. I bought some decorative wire (looked like twine was over the wire), as well as some fake candles to put inside the decorative, hanging balls I wanted to make. To make the hanging balls:
1. create a circle with your wire to the desired width you think you would like your ball to be. make sure to twist the ends together.
2. make another circle going vertical your first circle. It should look like a "circle X" so to say.
3. from there keep making circles around your two base circles while sometimes either hot gluing overlapping parts together, or wrapping wire around overlapping parts to keep the whole ball together
4. once your ball is finished, push your fake candle (should be smallest fake candles you can find) through the biggest opening on the ball you can find.
5. To hang, use additional wire to connect your ball to the ceiling. I put removable (clear) hooks on the ceiling to connect the additional wire too.
6. your ball is finished! now just switch on your fake candles and be proud of your hard work!
-The Elegant Crafter

Easy-To-Make flower vase

I saw an idea like the blue flower vase on pinterest and just had to try it! I bought a jar for about $2.50 at Wal-mart, and some purple flowers for a dollar at (can you guess ;) the dollar store. I found some blue paint and then painted the outside of the jar. After that dried, I cut the flowers into individual flower pieces (to the length the stems needed to be) and then put them into the jar. What a great idea!
-The Elegant Crafter

Cost Effective Decor

Ive been redecorating my room and wanted cheap ways to make beautiful decorations. I found this little tin bucket at wal-mart for about $2.50, the fake green moss ball for about $2.99, and I also found fake hydrangea flowers at the dollar store, for well,  one dollar! I painted the tin bucket blue, and then I placed some old blocks inside the bucket to have the fake moss ball up high enough in the bucket. Lastly, I cut the fake flowers into single flower pieces, and stuck them all over the top of the moss ball by stabbing the stems into the ball. Now you have a beautiful, easily made, and cheaply done decoration.
-The Elegant Crafter

Sparkling Candle

My friend gave me a beautiful, sweat pea candle for Christmas, but it was a light pink color, and didn't match my room colors at all. I decided to search for some black paint and used that to paint all over the outside of the candle. I found some black sparkles and sprinkled those all over the black paint (still wet) to make it stick. My new candle looks great in my room now, and I am glad I didn't have to put the candle away in my closet to sit and collect dust until I needed to use it.
-The Elegant Crafter

The Little Blue Table that Could!

I really wanted a small, decorative, but still useful table to put in my room. Lucky me, I found a worn out table down in the basement that used to be apart of our old patio furniture. I took the table, and then painted it with blue paint left over from painting our game room. It's amazing what old junk you can find and make beautiful again. Just need a little inspiration and creative thinking.:)
-The Elegant Crafter

Cute Decoration

I found this old conk shell that we got on vacation, but it didn't fit into the theme of my room. I really wanted to keep the shell on display, so I spray painted it silver, and then found a vibrant colored spot to place it on so that it could stand out. :)
-The Elegant Crafter

Center piece? Storage?

Need a cute center piece or object to hold some of your things?
Well use an old cupcake holder! I found this in some of our old Tupperware and pans we weren't using anymore, so I took it and spray painted it to go with my room colors. I still need to put some miscellaneous objects in the cupcake holders. So pretty!
-The Elegant Crafter