Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Candle lite Mason Jar - Cute Gift

Need a cute gift idea? I partly got this cute idea from pinterest! I saw a mason jar with a book page inside with a heart cut out in it. I acted on the idea by cutting out a heart in a book page, and then putting it inside the jar. I wanted a more original idea though, so I decided to add some things on the jar to "put my own signature on it." I found some purple-sparkly paint and put it on the outside of the jar. I let the paint dry and then put some rope around the top part of the jar and tied it into a bow. I also added some purple and white ribbon (tied both into a bow) around the jar. I also made a gift tag out of a brown paper lunch bag, and attached it to the white ribbon. On the tag I wrote a little love note, and super glued on some gems I had, and a green flower that I made. Also, I made a larger blue flower and super glued it under the bow end of the rope. Lastly, I placed a candle inside the jar (without a cap on the jar) and light it up to see how pretty the light flickered against the beautiful cut out heart. 
-The Elegant Crafter
If you would like to know how to make the flowers go to http://www.marrythis.com/inspired-ideas/roundup-the-best-paper-flower-tutorials/


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